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Safer Internet Day: It's Time to Start the Conversation!
February 11, 2025
Safer Internet Day is recognized globally in an effort to improve the internet and make it safer for both adults and children.

Here are some quick tips:
  • Set up a "no secrets" rule for online chats - Teach children that if an online friend ever says, "Don't tell your parents about this," that is a red flag! Encourage open conversations about online interactions.
  • Check location settings on apps and games - Some apps track real-time locations. Make sure to disable this feature for apps that don't need it, especially social media and games.
  • Test apps before kids use them - Look for ads, inappropriate content, or unsafe chat features. If it doesn't feel right, skip it.
  • Cover cameras and mute microphones when not in use - Cybercriminals can hack webcams and microphones - cover and mute those features when not in use.
For more prevention practices, please visit the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program's website

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