Welcome! The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Citizen's Online Crime Reporting System allows you to quickly and efficiently submit an official police report for certain crimes or occurrences. Upon completion of this report and after it is reviewed / approved by a police officer, you will be able to print a free copy of the report for your records. Please note: To use this system, the crime you are reporting online cannot involve a known suspect. If that is the case, please call 904.630.0500 to report the crime.
IMPORTANT: If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 (TTY Services Available).
Online Reporting Criteria, Guidelines and Terms of Use - Please review the criteria outlined below.
- This crime is a:
- Theft (excluding the theft of a firearm, a motor vehicle, trailer or prescription drugs);
- Theft from a Motor Vehicle (excluding vehicle tags / decals);
- Vehicle Burglary (excluding the theft of a firearm or prescription drugs);
- or Vandalism (excluding a “Hate Crime”)
(ONLY these crimes may be reported using this online program.)
- This crime is not an emergency. (If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1)
- This crime occurred within the jurisdiction of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (within Duval County, but not locations within Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, at the University of North Florida or at the Jacksonville International Airport – those towns and locations have their own police departments.)
- There are no known suspects involved in this crime. IF YOU HAVE SUSPECT INFORMATION you CANNOT use this system. You will need to contact the JSO at 904.630.0500.
- This crime does not require the collection of physical evidence (or video evidence that is immediately releasable).
- Damages and/or Losses do not exceed $4,999.99. If your damages or loss exceeds this amount, please call 904.630.0500
- This crime does not involve a traffic crash or hit and run.
- This crime does not involve a firearm.
- This crime does not involve a fraud, identity theft, or scam.
- You must submit this report from a valid email address and be able to receive emails at this same address.
If you meet the above criteria, please also review the following before proceeding with this report:
- You must be 18 years of age, or older, to report a crime using this system. If the victim or the person who wishes to report the crime is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian over the age of 18 can complete the report on behalf of the juvenile.
- Before completing this report, you should review and/or download the JSO's Victim & Witness Rights Guide.
- Note: It is against the law to falsely report a crime, including in an online report. (Florida Statute 837.05)
Please review the Privacy Statement and Terms of Use for the JSO Citizen's Online Reporting System.
You Are Now Ready to Begin Your Online Report
Please make sure to disable any software that blocks pop-ups on your computer, as they may be necessary to successfully complete this report and receive a response from JSO.
When You Successfully Complete the Report
- You may need to add JSOonline@jaxsheriff.org to your contact list so that the notifications are not rejected by your email provider as spam or junk mail.
- You will see the words: “Your online police report has been submitted”
- You will receive a temporary tracking number. (The tracking number will begin with a “T”)
- Your submission will be reviewed by an officer within 24 hours.
- You must submit this report from a valid email address and be able to receive emails at this same address. Please note: While your report is being reviewed, we may need to contact you. Please make sure your email address and phone number is accurate.
- You will be able to print a copy of the temporary report for your records.
Once the Report Has Been Approved By JSO
- You will receive an email indicating that your report has been approved.
- You will receive a police report case number.
- You will be able to print a copy of the police report for your records.
- To receive an official police report, please go to any of our six substations or the Public Record Counter located at Police Headquarters, 501 E. Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202.
Filing a false crime report is against the law. (F.S. 837.05)

Powered by Coplogic's Online Citizen Police Reporting
If you want to report a crime, but it does not meet the specifications for this online reporting system, please call 904.630.0500 for a non-emergency.
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