On Tuesday, October 1, 2019, Hubbard House in partnership with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, City of Jacksonville, the State Attorney's Office, and criminal justice agency officials from surrounding counties held a news conference reaffirming their commitment
to ending domestic violence.
"Domestic violence does not discriminate - it happens in every community, in all kinds of families and relationships," said Sheriff Mike Williams, "If one victim comes forward to talk to police today or goes to one of these shelters…
we have made a difference! We are committed to helping YOU and making every home in our community a safe place… free of violence."
To learn about the four main types of abuse and services that are available, please visit
www.hubbardhouse.org. Individuals who are in an abusive relationship, or know someone who is, are urged to call 904.630.0500 or 9-1-1.
If you need someone to talk to call Hubbard House's hotline or the domestic violence service center in your area at 1.800.500.1119.