Recently, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) became an official partner of the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) through the Department of Defense. JSO's Chief of Human Resources Chris Brown attended the new partner induction ceremony in Washington, D.C.
on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
MSEP is "a targeted recruitment and employment solution, creates employment connections that provide companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively recruiting. MSEP is part of DoD's broader Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, or SECO , initiative, which seeks to strengthen the education and career opportunities of military spouses by providing:
- Career exploration opportunities to help them understand their skills, interests, and goals
- Education and training to help them identify academic, licensing, or credentialing requirements that can help them reach their career goals
- Employment readiness assistance to optimize their self-marketing skills
- Employment connections that help them find and maintain a rewarding career" (Source: MSEP website)
To learn more about the career opportunities available at the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, please visit JSO's career website at
To learn more about the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, please
click here.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is an Equal Opportunity / Equal Access Employer.
[Photo, from left to right: Ms. Lee Kelly: Principal Director, Military Community & Family Policy; Mr. Jeffrey Angers, Principal Deputy, Manpower & Reserve Affairs; Mr. Tim Dill, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower & Reserve Affairs and JSO's Chief of Human Resources Chris Brown]